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Camila Could I have an application form? prevacid fastab price A house where three women escaped is shown Tuesday, May 7, 2013, in Cleveland. Amanda Berry, Gina DeJesus and Michelle Knight, who went missing separately about a decade ago, were found Monday in the home just south of downtown Cleveland and likely had been tied up during years of captivity, said police, who arrested three brothers. (AP Photo/Tony Dejak) | 2022-05-20 19:40:57
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In March the company's separately listed subsidiaryFresenius Medical Care, the world's largest dialysiscompany, was told by U.S. regulators to improve the way itsterilises certain dialyzers for filtering patients' blood. |
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But the risk of failure in the form of major delays is palpable, given the administration's limited staff and financial resources, as well as the stubborn political opposition of Republicans, who have denied new money for the effort in Congress and prevented dozens of states from cooperating with initiatives that offer subsidized health coverage to millions of lower income uninsured people. |
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In a documentary, "Miley: The Movement," airing on MTV on October 2, the 20-year-old singer and actress comes across as a shrewd, ambitious performer determined to see her single, "We Can't Stop," hit No. 1 and put her roots as the wholesome Disney Channel star of "Hannah Montana" far behind her. |
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APSA, which has two divisions, manages the Vatican's realestate holdings in Rome and elsewhere in Italy, pays thesalaries of Vatican employees, and acts as a purchasing officeand human resources department. It also manages the Vatican's financial and stock portfolio. |
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Cohen personally oversees about $4 billion, along with a small group of traders, in a portfolio called "the Cohen account," which represents a good chunk of the estimated $6 billion he has invested with his 21-year-old hedge fund, Reuters has previously reported. |
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Some residents within the evacuation zone were initially advised to stay put in their homes as approaching flames cut them off from a safe escape route on Wednesday, but those evacuees were later moved out of harm's way, Berlandt said. |
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